Sunday, November 15, 2009

MARTA Ridership Stats

· MARTA operates a multimodal system with over 130 bus routes.

· Overall bus and paratransit ridership averages over 69.19 million and rail transit average ridership is at 69.2 million per year.

· The Breeze Card and Breeze Ticket were introduced in 2006 to allow customers to load money onto the card over time. The ticket cost fifty cents and the card cost five dollars.

· Average fare is $2.00 a one way ticket and $4.00 for paratransit riders using a one way ticket. MARTA offers special fare programs for visitors, corporate employees, college students and students in grades K-12.

· On Average MARTA riders save $300 a month where they are spending $160 in gas a week the spend only $60 on a monthly MARTA card, which is an unlimited pass.

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